Category Archives: Community

Working Hard for Gender Equality in Santa Barbara

Working Hard for Gender Equality in Santa Barbara

Nowadays we can see how most countries worldwide recognize the importance of living in societies where gender discrimination is not an issue. Many countries have established laws and regulations to promote gender equality, allowing women to have access to health services, educational, and economic rights that once were not even an option. Despite the global… Continue Reading

Kenny Slaught Notes Construction Delays Forcing Homeowners To Stay Put

Other elements influencing the current situation that are particularly Californian in nature are the result of a general scarcity of land in desirable locations. Undeveloped land prices are prohibitively high, especially around the Los Angeles and San Francisco metro areas. Kenny Slaught points to regular construction delays on new projects, which cause many owners to… Continue Reading

Teaching children the art of symphony music

Teaching children the art of symphony music

Symphony music is something special that is beautiful and enriching to listen to. Many of us tend to think that this type of music is for certain type of people and that not everybody could understand it. Maybe we are right, but remember that music is for everyone no matter the color, race, age or… Continue Reading

Kenny Slaught Totes Santa Barbara’s Commitment

Kenny Slaught calls the Santa Barbara community’s widespread commitment a major pillar in its success. The county’s civic leaders, business professionals, and residents have upheld the city’s deep tradition of nonprofit activity and generous giving, with numerous charities, volunteer organizations and community initiatives, and carrying on the tradition that dates back to 1928 with the… Continue Reading

Architecture Part Of Santa Barbara’s Charm, Says Slaught

Kenny Slaught notes that Santa Barbara city planners recognized the natural charm of Southern California and developed legislation to preserve Spanish Colonial architecture as early as 1925, and the city became the first populace in the United States to consider preserving of historical buildings. The most common downtown destination for visiting tourists is the county… Continue Reading

Kenny Slaught Discusses Benefits Of SBCC Education

Santa Barbara City College has a great reputation in regards to training professionals who work in the area of network support. Says Investec CEO Kenny Slaught, “your valuable time will be wisely invested studying this promising and useful program.” Network engineers serve within a company to handle the computer network and provide employees with the… Continue Reading