Famous architect George Washington Smith is the man behind the California movement known as the Spanish Colonial revival nearly 100 years ago. Smith left Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader, and once he became a wealthy businessman, he moved to Santa Barbara area anticipating a relaxing lifestyle pursuing on his painting interests. However, he was taken by surprise when he learned that everyone loved the home he had designed, prompting him to continue creating architectural gems for other Californians. He preferred authentic materials from Spain and merged new and old world styles. Nowadays Smith’s works are enjoyed for their simplistic beauty and thorough design. He is known as a founding father to Santa Barbara, with many legionsof architects noting his artistic lead. Kenny Slaught celebrates the keen attention to detail needed to design a structure of such artistic distinction.
Read more: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kenny-slaught-santa-barbaras-legacy-022800560.html