Kenny Slaught Explains The Development Of The Spanish Colonial Revival Architecture


A United States architectural movement, the Spanish Colonial Revival architecture was initiated in the early 20th century. The movement involved designing some cities that were the foremost Spanish colonies, which then became American cities, using the Spanish architectural style. A big portion of this architectural style can be seen in California. After an earthquake that occurred in 1925, Santa Barbara implemented this style as its signature line for re-designing the city.  Architect George Washington Smith who shifted to Montecito and proliferated this movement introduced this style. The history of El Pueblo Viejo aesthetic control remains true to Roman and Parisian laws. It aims to preserve history through the Hispanic architecture. But you may have questions as to what the Hispanic Architecture is all about. This style is unusually influenced by the architecture of the “white-washed cities” of Andalusia in Southern Spain. In Santa Barbara, local building techniques are a result of the natural environment and the materials available in the vicinity. Kenny Slaught states that Hispanic architectural features in this area are epitomized by the “simplicity, rustic economy, excellence in craftsmanship and direct expression of material”. Forms presented in Santa Barbara showcase vernacular handmade quality concerned with the sunlight. Besides, colors are also linked to the natural environment, yellow, red, orange and white that remains Santa Barbara’s weather.

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