Kenny Slaught points out that many families look to the hospice for counseling and support programs. On an on-going basis, the hospice provides personal, group, and family counseling for free. These therapy sessions deal with a number of issues aroused by death and dying, while emphasizing the differing aspects of emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness that are important for individuals in these situations. Those who cannot come to the Hospice, can locate counseling sessions at several other safe locations throughout Santa Barbara. Studies have proven that counseling sessions early in the grief process can considerably reduce the risk of an person’s unprocessed grief manifesting in the future. Furthermore, researchers have concluded that counselors trained in matters relating to death and dying have a greater impact on individuals who have experienced a traumatic loss than traditional mental health practitioners.
Read more: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/kenny-slaught-advocating-hospice-santa-035700881.html